Comparing Charles And Miss Awful

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Charles and Miss Awful Do you think children need to be taught a lesson on being disciplines? Well in the stories “Charles” by Shirley Jackson and “Miss Awful” by Arthur Cavanaugh two parents aren’t disciplining their children (Roger and Laurie) very well. And both of the children are having problems with their teachers in their school. In the story “Charles” the setting takes place mostly at home. Laurie talks about the problems that happen at school at home. Laurie is a static character because he doesn't change in the story. Lauries problem is that he is the one causing the problems at school but makes up someone named Charles and pretends that he causes all of the issues when it is actual himself causing all of the issues. Laurie handles his problems by telling his parents Charles is causing the problems. The teacher reacts to it when Laurie's mother goes to a PTA meeting and his mom told the teacher her hands must be full with Charles and the teacher told her that there was no Charles. Laurie’s mother was surprised that there was no Charles. And Laurie doesn't react or change at all. The character in this story that learns something is the mother because she learns there is no …show more content…

Roger is a dynamic character because he changes his behavior when the substitute teacher comes in and she is way more strict and Roger gets better at spelling. Rogers problem is that he hates the substitute teacher and wants the old teacher to come back sooner. Roger handles the problem by just listening to the teacher and not saying anything. Rogers parents were stricter than Laurie’s parents but Roger never really had problems at school. Roger learns that the teacher did help him and that sometimes it is good to actually learn something once and a while instead of just playing all of the time. And the theme of this story is sometimes being serious pays

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