Compare two Robert Browning poems - The Laboratory and My last Duchess.

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Compare two Robert Browning poems - The Laboratory and My last Duchess.

The two Robert Browning poems I have chosen are 'The Laboratory' and

'My last Duchess'. My initial reaction on reading The laboratory was

one of horror and fascination as it tells a tale of a woman scorned. I

found it horrifying that a human being could plan in such a cold and

calculating way, but I also found this fascinating.

'Not that I bid you spare her the pain;

Let death be felt and the proof remain:'

My feelings on reading My Last Duchess was pity for the Duke who was

narrating the poem as it was clear that his jealousy and insecurity

had ruined their relationship.`

'she smiled, no doubt,

Whene'er I passed her; but who passed without

Much the same smile?'

Both poems have contemporary relevance, as people today are still

intrigued by murder, mystery and tales of unrequited love. It is very

obvious that the poems were wrote in the 19th century though, as some

of the language is no longer in use in today's society eg durst/dared

and forsooth/indeed. There are other indications that the poetry was

written in the 19th century by the references made to the use of a fan

and also the way the poison was prepared using pestle and mortar.

'Grind away moisten and mash up thy paste,

Pound at thy powder-I am not in haste.'

The topic of the poem in My Last Duchess is infact a painting, had it

been written in the 21st century it would have been far more likely to

have been a photograph.

The theme of The Laboratory is one of the eternal love triangle.

Whereas the theme in my last duchess would seem to be about an

obsessive yet insecure lover. The similarity would be the extreme

jealousy that is displayed by both narratives. The difference is that

the narrator in My Last Duchess is so jealous and insecure that he

'gave commands;

Then all smiles stopped together.'

implying that he sent away or disposed of his loved one in some way.

In The Laboratory, the focus of jealousy is directed at the other


'He is with her, and they know that I know'

The character of the narrator in The Laboratory displays an intensity

of emotion through her obvious jealousy of the other woman, this

intensity of jealousy could only be achieved if she also had

experienced the same level of love. Similarly, the character of the

narrator in My Last Duchess also displays obvious jealousy although it

is without such an intensity of emotion. It is my opinion that the

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