Compare And Contrast The Three Branches Of Government

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There are three branches of government in America. They are The executive which is the president. To be a president, he or she has to be at least 35 years-old, live in the United States for minimum 14 years and a natural born citizen. As a president, he or she roles as a head of the government. Second, The Legislative which are the senates and the house representatives. They are who represent each state to discuss and decide the laws To be the senator, the person must be reach the age of thirty, have been a citizen in the United States for at least nine years, and must reside on the states when the person is running. On the other hand, if someone wants to be the house of the representative, the person must reach the age at least 25 years-old, the person does not have to reside in the state where he or she is running. Last, the person have to live in the United States for at least seven years. …show more content…

People believe that legislative branch is the toughest branch in the government, yet it does not mean it's the most powerful branch. In this country, there are 435 representatives and 100 senators who responsible to make laws. Too many representatives can cause factions. In Federalist no.10 paper, James Madison states that factionalism cannot be eliminated, yet it can be controlled. Even though Madison talks specifically to citizens in New York, we can also relate that to congress. It is impossible to have pure democracy in the congress because we cannot please every representative. Madison says that, “There are again two methods of removing the causes of faction: the one, by destroying the liberty which is essential to its existence; the other, by giving to every citizen the same opinions, the same passions, and the same interests.” However, every person have different opinion and interest because each state has different

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