Compare And Contrast The Propagation Of Electrical Signals Down The Axon

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Compare and contrast the propagation of electrical signals down the axon and the transmission of the signal across a synapse.
The nervous system is one of the most intricate and fundamental systems within the human body. It is constructed from specialised cells called neurons (Willmer, et al., 2005). Information from a stimulus is carried by neurons as chemical and electrical signals to the central nervous system or CNS, electrical signals in particular are imperative as they carry “time-sensitive information rapidly and over a long distance” (Kandel, et al., 2000). A neuron has a cell body, and within it is a nucleus. The cell body has dendrites which are short, branched cytoplasmic extensions and “usually one outgoing axon” (Willmer, et al., …show more content…

(Stefan, 2006) . Nerve cells are classed as “excitable cells” (Londish, et al., 2012), this means that the interior of the cell is more negatively charged than the exterior. The voltage of the inside of the axon is – 70 mV with respect to the outside of the cell, this electrochemical equilibrium is what leads to a resting potential. The resting membrane potential arises due to the “distribution of ions in the intracellular and extracellular fluid” as the intracellular fluid has “low sodium and chloride ions but high potassium ions” and extracellular is the opposite it has “a high concentration of sodium ions and chloride ions” (Matthews, 2009). This can be calculated using the Nernst calculation. It results from the “small proportion of K+ ions leaving the inside of the cell and accumulating on its outside” (Willmer, et al., …show more content…

A graded potential is first produced to depolarise the axon, action potentials are all or nothing so if the electrical signal is weak it will not produce an action potential as it does not reach threshold value, “they are called acute subthreshold potentials” (Guyton & Hall, 2006); however graded potentials add together this is called summation and the axon hillock decides whether the potential as a whole is higher than the threshold value and if electrical signal reaches goes beyond threshold which is around -55 mV an action potential is generated (figure 2). This causes the cell to become slightly depolarised because Na+ ions flow through the few sodium voltage gated ions that are open, which causes more of the gated sodium channels to open; “ thus we get a positive feedback and an explosive self – amplifying depolarisation”, At this point the “membrane is more permeable to Na+” (Willmer, et al., 2005). The membrane potential changes from “-70 mv to +50 mV” (Willmer, et al., 2005), the sodium ion channels are inactivated and potassium ion channels are activated and K+ ions flow out of the cell which repolarises the membrane. The membrane becomes hyperpolarised as the potassium voltage- gated channels remain open, the resting potential is restored due to the sodium- potassium pump and voltage- gated potassium channels close. The signal then

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