Compare And Contrast Rule By Law And Rule Of Law

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1) Contrast Chinas “rule by law” with democratic “rule of law”.
The principle of rule of law is traditionally associated with liberal democratic ideals. It implies a particular relationship between individuals and the state, the essence of which is protection of individual rights by limitations on arbitrary state power. Such limitations are enshrined in the law and in legal institutions. This notion makes no sense in traditional communist ideology: law is a weapon of the state to use in exercising dictatorship. In 1978, however, Chinese leaders began to revive and develop important ideas and institutions of legality that had flourished for a brief period in the 1950s. The new Chinese legality acknowledges rule by law. Briefly this means, there …show more content…

Nearly thirty years after the founding of the PRC, there was no criminal law. In 1978, Chinese leaders appointed committees of legal specialist to pick up work set aside for decades and to drift criminal codes for immediate promulgation. In 1979, the NPC passed the first criminal law and criminal procedure law. Rule by law implies equality before the law. This idea stands in sharp contrast to both the politicized view of law in communist ideology and routine practices in the Maoist years. In 1978, the NPC restored the procuratorates, which had been abolished in the 1960s.
2) Define interest articulation, and provide some examples of interest articulation in different societies.
Interest articulation is one of the functions of the political process that we can use to compare all political systems. It is also one of the process functions necessary for policy’s to be made and implemented in any kind of political system. These process functions play a direct and necessary role in the process of making policy. Interest articulation involves individuals and groups expressing their needs and demands. Most political systems have different forms of interest articulation to determine what the public and social groups want from their

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