Compare And Contrast My Mother

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Many women are absolutely phenomenal; but my mother and my boyfriend’s mother are the most important to me. While the two women share similar traits, they are different in terms of their pasts and paths. The way that they have conducted themselves throughout their lives is absolutely inspiring to me. Both of these women have had to overcome and encounter many obstacles in their life to be where they are today. They live their lives with an all-embracing demeanor of positivity, humbleness, and many other qualities. My mother knows how to be calm, cool, and collected while still speaking her mind when necessary. In addition, I believe that she has the perfect balance between being honest while still remaining classy and unbothered by nonsense. This is a trait of hers that I would love to inherit, and I feel that I need to inherit based off of the things I have encountered in the past. My mom is unapologetically …show more content…

“The humble man makes room for progress; the proud man believes he is already there” – Ed Parker. With that being said, they are always open to owning up to their own mistakes and learning from them. I have witnessed this with their parenting skills very often, they never cease to turn down the offer to learn something new. I repute that this is a trait of theirs that I also canonize and would not mind inheriting from them.
My mother has had to overcome a failed marriage and many different living conditions to make it to where she is now. After living on section 8 for years she was able to buy her first house eleven years ago. On the negative side, she has never obtained her driver’s license and has had to experience many job losses due to the fact that she was not always able to make it to work. On the positive side, her unemployment never lasted too long and she is now able to use Uber as an option for a ride when my father or sisters are not available to drop her

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