Compare And Contrast Keller And Martin Luther King Jr

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The proverb “don't speak unless you can improve on the silence” is a great proverb to live by, many people still continue to live by it; Martin Luther King Jr. and Helen Keller. They both changed peoples live with what they had to say to the world. People now still live and will continue to live by the advice don’t speak unless you can improve the silence for a long time and that is why it’s the best proverb. Martin Luther King Jr.was a spokesman and tried to save blacks lives and fix civil rights. King spoke to better black lives in America.In the following years king was the speaker of sit-ins and freedom rights. (Knauer 63) King spoke to many people about civil rights. Martin Luther King Jr. showed people in the best way that people …show more content…

King helped people understand the benefits of fixing the void between blacks and whites and how it would be better for everyone.Martin also spoke to tell people his story and reach out the other people like him and better the world. Overall Martin Luther King Jr. was the best civil rights spokesman of his time and made a big impact on the civil rights movement. Helen Keller learned to speak and with her voice she changed the life of many people. Helen Keller did her best to change her life and make it better and others like her using the voice she had. Helen made a life for herself and showed others she can do what other people can do even though she has disabilities.(Hickok 115) Helen proved to all the people that didn't believe in her that she …show more content…

Helen did all she could to live a normal life and live the life she wanted. Helens teacher wanted to help her weather she wanted the help or not.”It's my job to help you,and I'm going to do it!”(Hickok 134). Helen's teacher forced Helen to let her help her and not give up.She made Hellen learn even when it was hard and she throw fits. Teacher gives Hellen hope for a better life. Helen's teacher comes in and gives her hope that one day she will be able to change the world and help many people like her.(Hickok 12)Helen had lost hope before her teacher came. When the teacher showed her she can learn she regained hope.Helen got hope in herself and changed lives and did what she could with voice,Officer Stallen chaned an dsaved lives by supporting them in his work force. Stallen did the best thing he could to help black lives.Jay Stallen became a police officer to solve black on black crime and help to save as many black lives as he could.(Shaw 11).Stallen decided to help the lives of black men and women by becoming a cop. He stood up for many black lives as he could..Stallen helped black lives every chance he got.Stallen wanted to save black lives so he stood up for black lives when he was

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