Compare And Contrast Judaism And Christianity

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A comparison of Judaism and Christianity offers many thought-provoking viewpoints on the issues of faith that symbolizes and splits them. These two faith have much in common, but there are a lot underlying variations between them- such separating factors that some foolish Christians who thought of such a man named Adolf Hitler and the people like them considered themselves Christians but he had such a hatred for Jews.. What makes the contrast between Judaism and Christianity appealing is that, in spite of the much later foundation of Christianity, the two faiths were in extracting” separated at birth”, because Christianity grew out of Judaism. The similarities between Christianity and Judaism are very simple to distinguish because both faiths
The founder of Christianity was Jesus Christ. In addition, the one for Judaism was Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses. The belief system for Christian is the trinity: the father, the son and the Holy Ghost. The Belief system in the Judaism is based on Jewish central and to follow the Ten Commandants strictly. (Latourette, 1937.) The prayer in Christianity is that we pray to one God the God who created the heaven and the Earths (Colossians1:18).The Jews the pray to God using fixed words every time the pray and read from a book called Tanah. Christians read from a Book Called the Bible that consists of old and new testaments. Things that important in the Christian faith the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12) and the Jews are the laws of
No patient ever should feel uncomfortable that they receive treatments, A job of a health care provider is to be just that provide good quality care and take the time to answer any questions the patients may have. This reminds me of a story that happened while I was doing my internship for my Associates Degree. I was on the level of labor and delivery and this woman was of the Arabian woman came in and her husband said the doctor that someone of that religion must be present for this gift but the doctor was too concerned about taking care of the baby that he offended the woman and the child. After the child was birth, the husband again asked if someone could be present from his or her religion for the blessing but again the doctor refused. Finally, I saw a nurse ask the husband was needed and she was called around to see what person needed to be there. Time seems to stand still but finally someone from that culture finally came in. The doctor was only concerned about that dollar sign rather the

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