Compare And Contrast Great Britain And The British Colonies

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The society of Great Britain and the British colonies were very different. When the colonists settled in North America, a whole new society was made. Cultures were blended, and the society of great Britain was made into a whole new world. First off, many types of people were in the colonies all coming from European Nations (most people coming from Great Britain). Many different religions were in the colonies as well. In addition to this the poor and rich found in the colonies weren’t as different, poor people could become wealthy easier through education. In fact, 90% of the people in the colonies were farmers. Also, people in the colonies were more educated than in Europe, and literacy rates were higher. People were also healthier. The colonies …show more content…

When there is only one ruler in power, it is only one person’s decision on what path the country takes. When the rulers are only in the royal blood, when one ruler dies, his/her son/daughter takes their place as ruler. With one ruler for a long period of time, there is less room for corruption. Rulers know that their leadership is not for a term period, so they have no lust for money. They have no intentions to misuse authority for corruption. The disadvantages of having one ruler are not being able to go through the impeachment process and having too much power. If there is only one ruler, and they will only be succeeded if they die, then they cannot be impeached. If the leader does become corrupt, they can do whatever they want, without anyone stopping them. These two disadvantages go hand in hand because one leads into the other. The advantages of having a representative democracy are election, impeachment, and protection of the interests of the people. Election is fair because it portrays who the nation wants as their leader, and that is who their leader shall be. Impeachment is another plus because if the president …show more content…

Some disadvantages are the rule of the incompetent, low moral standards, and more emphasis on quantity and not quality. With the elections allowed to be entered by any common person, the ruling of an uneducated person is inevitable. When the elections take place, the presidential candidates will practically do anything to cause their opponents to lose, most being cheap shots like digging up their personal problems from long ago, back when their decisions did not matter for them to win the election. When the elections start, the common people do not focus on the quality of the presidential candidate, and the candidates watch for the quantity of their followers. Early colonial government had several similarities to eighteenth century British government, while they also had many differences. The original British colonies governed themselves under English common law. The American Constitution shared many qualities with the British Magna Carta. Both governments had limits on government power. The colonies had democracy, while Great Britain had a

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