Similarities Between Colonial Government: Yesterday And Today

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C5 Essay Quiz
Colonial government back in colonial times influences how the government works today. Even though the similarities and differences might not be clear on the surface, colonial government is very similar and different at the same time.
First, let's talk about the similarities between colonial government and the current government system. For example, the Privy Council is similar to the executive branch today because both set policies or laws for the colony or country and enforce them. Also, the privy council and the executive branch allowed some colonies or states to run their own affairs (kind of like how today, the executive branch could set laws in a country, but some states have certain rules. An example of this is how Idaho allows people to ride motorcycles without helmets, but in most other …show more content…

For example,in Spokane there is local court which can decide local issues. The governors in the colonial times were similar to the president in today’s government because the people elected them, similar to how people vote for the president. Also, they had a job to enforce policies set out by England, like the executive branch; had final say in whether the laws passed or not; and could also be impeached like today. The colonial assembly/parliament was similar to the legislative branch today because both are bicameral (Have 2 houses, the upper house being the Council of State, and the lower house being the House of Burgesses.) In the current government system, there are also two houses in the legislative branch. The upper house which is the Senate, and the lower house which is the House of Representatives. The senate only has 2 people per state, and the House of reps depends on the population of the state. Town meetings in colonial times were meetings where they discuss local issues, and make decisions over them. Also, they still hold town meetings in today’s society, however, they are less frequent. Usually, they are held in school gyms, and the

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