Compact Rental Cars

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Compact rentals have many benefits over larger cars. While larger sedans and full size vehicles have their time and place and can be worthwhile rental options, compact rental cars are also amongst the least expensive vehicles to rent and they are efficient. If your rental needs require you and one or two other people, a compact car can be the perfect way to get around efficiently and save money while doing so. Car Rentals Renting a compact car will almost assuredly save you on gas mileage compared to if you chose to rent a larger car instead. Compact cars typically are lighter, have smaller tires, and less horsepower. These things factor into how much fuel is used. Many modern compact cars can get up to forty miles a gallon or more. With today's rising fuel prices, this can make a big difference, especially if you are going on a long trip. When you choose a compact rental car over a full size sedan or SUV and go on a trip that is several …show more content…

Many compact rentals come equipped with leather seats, superior radio and speakers, comfortable seating, neck support, Bluetooth capabilities, navigation, and adequate trunk space. This will allow you to drive comfortably without going over your budget when you select your next rental vehicle. Driving around town or a city can use up much more fuel than if a person was driving on a highway or interstate. The constant starts and stops and turns can increase the amount of gas that a person is using by almost a third. If you find that you need to rent a car to get around town back and forth to work and to run errands for business purposes, a rental car that is compact and small can save you a decent amount of money on gas. The money you save on fuel when you rent a compact car can be used to offset the cost of insurance for the vehicle, or it can simply give you extra spending

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