Community Policing

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Community policing is used throughout almost if not every police department in the country. Community policing can be in forms of neighborhood watch, citizen police academies, advisory groups, etc. However, over community policing are the community policing specialist that work with the community to help give direction and listen to the concerns to relay any pertinent information. The role of the community policing specialist however is evolving putting their focus more on crime prevention. This could be partly implemented to save on resources. There are limited numbers of police officers and by increasing the community policing in areas they can focus their attention on the matters that need to be addressed (Lawrence & McCarthy, 2013). It …show more content…

In stable neighborhoods, they do still have to have an officer drive through the areas from time to time. Even in these neighborhoods, they still like to have a visibility of police for reassurance that they are still involved in their neighborhoods. Visibility is the key in these low crime neighborhoods. They also often employ neighborhood watches, though this does not prevent crime it does help to keep the communication lines open between the police departments and the communities. In low crime apartment complexes, a drive-through is not always an option, so they usually set up communications with the complex managers and have regular meetings to discuss any issues or concerns keeping the lines of communication open. In comparison, high crime neighborhoods tend to be deemed hot spots. In these neighborhoods police presence is constant and surveillance of areas that are deemed as high in crime rate are constantly monitored ("Hotspots Policing," 2016). Sometimes areas that are extremely high in crime require extensive patrol or even zero tolerance crack downs to help lower the crime rate in that particular area. However, studies have shown that even though this decreases the amount of crime it does not stop it all together. In the high crime apartment complexes, the strategy is a little different from that of the high crime neighborhoods. In these police have to create interactive programs with rather the owner or manager, it is sometimes difficult because the owners do not always live near or even in the same state as the complex. The managers are sometimes as corrupt as the criminals themselves are, and this poses a problem for the police. They would try to come up with alternate plans with the owners that would help to work around corrupt or fearful managers. They suggested security, security codes for entering the building, and screening of

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