Community Oriented Policing Essay

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Community- oriented policing is police integrity and ethics are fundamental to effective policing and help build trust within communities. Sound conduct by police improves community interactions, enhances communication, and promotes shared responsibility for addressing crime and disorder. and diversity. The Community-oriented Policing Office was established through a provision in the 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act (cops.usdoj). The police are responsible in ensuring that all citizens are protected from fear of crime at all cost which leave police officers to have a big responsibility. For police officers to perform their daily duty effectively, they need to form a bond with the community/citizens and learn more of the community they are a part of patrolling. Today, Community policing require the partnership of the police and the community to work together to address public safety issues and identify problems within the community to work on a resolution to improve the quality of life. When the community and police officers work together a bond has been create and the police earns the community trust, this is how law enforcement the rate of crime and fear within the communities and this is call community policing. Community participation provides the police with a new perspective of crime and means for controlling crimes() …show more content…

In recent years it has seen many time by democratic countries to export both democracy, and democratic policing, to post-conflict, emerging and developing states. when its relate to Democratic policing there’s a large proportion of literature on democratic policing which is focus on overcoming the unusual complications responsible in introducing democratic policing to populations that have little to none experience of its key tenets

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