Communication Theory Of Social Media

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V. What is Social Media
E. Identify the functions and strategies that characterize social media.
Social media is defined as a group of Internet-based applications built on the ideology and technological foundations of Web 2.0 that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010). The early 2000s spawned websites, such as MySpace, which offered user profiles and friendship, as well as LinkedIn for business professionals. The social networking website LinkedIn, is used by business professionals to collaborate, seek future employees, plus maintain business contacts. This would eventually be the first social media wave. Then, in 2004 Facebook launched, YouTube in 2005, with Twitter following in 2006, transforming the social media landscape forever. Prior to and proceeding 2010, an abundance of social media websites existed, such as Instagram, Flickr, Foursquare, Groupon, Pinterest, Blippy and Google Buzz. Suddenly, utilizing social media in business strategies became expansive. For example, business websites began including their social media addresses on their pages, …show more content…

The decision-making procedure will continue to be complicated for individuals, despite the media tools used to communicate. The six paradigms of communication theory are essential to our understanding of effective communication: social psychological theories, psychological models, drama theories, audience-centered theories, contextual theories, and hybrid models (Mahoney & Tang, 2016). Understanding individuals’ internal insights and beliefs regarding their surroundings, their vulnerability to mass communication, their basic routines, their response to media communication, the effect of being exposed to numerous media platforms, plus a combination of the above mentioned elements, each contribute to communication theory and its societal

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