Common Reasons for Immigrating to a Different Country

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America has the label as a flashlight at the end of a dark escape tunnel glued to its name. One thinks existence will be far much better if they were living in the “American Dream.” As a result, people tend to populate this country.

Why do people leave their native country? One will immigrate to the United States of America on the grounds of economic reasons, personal reasons, and political reasons. These reasons contribute to a person leaving his or her native country and joining the culture of someone else’s. The term for this movement is emigration. Emigration is the act of leaving one's native country or region to settle in another. It is the same as immigration but from the perspective of the country of origin.

America, also known as the land of opportunity, is the country where natives of an underdeveloped country migrate to seek prosperity. Many immigrants who migrate to the United States are coming from countries where unemployment is high and living conditions are below standard. If one is already a part of the labour force, the wages paid may not be substantial enough for a standard lifestyle; it is too low to save extra for miscellaneous items. According to the US Income Statistics “ At 4.25 dollars an hour, the U.S. minimum wage is approximately six times the prevailing one in Mexico, which is, in turn, higher than most in Central America (Borjas)." Because of this, people immigrate to the United States for better employment opportunities.

Most immigrants will seek jobs in the United States for the reason that most likely they will find a job that readily wants unskilled workers than back in their native country for a higher wage earned. The immigrant volume initially increased because the immigrants to...

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...urage emigration to ease ethnic conflict, or to establish presence in another country, by resettling particular ethnic groups voluntarily or involuntarily. In addition, wide ranges of political reasons are arrayed with the term ‘immigration.’ People immigrate to maintain a global presence amongst various countries. Moreover, few think that they are not faced with ample political freedom, so they immigrate to other countries in search of the same. Some change their citizenship to gain a new identity, some to get political rights and others for a better living ambiance.

Conclusively, immigration is mainly based on push and pull factors. In other words, the reason behind migrating is the need to have a better lifestyle or the preference for a change. It is the movement for improvement and the drive to seek what are the new advances occurring elsewhere in the world.

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