Common Good Research Paper

556 Words2 Pages

Today in America, personal ambition serves the common good. Motivates successful individuals drive social and economic progress and set strong examples for others. In order to help the common good, the common good must first help themselves. Instead of relying on others and the government for assistance, we should all reflect on ourselves and see what we can do for ourselves. If everyone helped themselves no one would need to be helped. Reliance on others is a huge problem with in our society, including a reliance on the government, other citizens and technology, and a reliance on others to help us achieve everyday activities. If we all tried self helping ourselves the world would be a much better place. Reliance on the government is a huge problem in our country today. Instead of working on your own personal ambition and working, many people have found it easier and have begun looking at the government and hard working citizens tax dollars to assist them. Seeing our country as a group cooperation, but a group must be fair. Programs such as Obama Care, Welfare, Food Stamps, and unemployment have been provided for people in need. But are all who use these programs actually in need? This has become a major …show more content…

From the school systems, the workplace, and everyday life. Nowadays everything can be found on the internet. With today's advancements in technology machines can accomplish almost anything a human can. The repercussions of this can be seen everywhere but specifically in the school systems. Now students can find every answer to almost any test, quiz, or piece of homework on the internet. With every questioned answered and mapped out students don't even have to think for themselves. This reliance and group effort is stopping the learning process and making children and young adults suffer in the long run. If we stopped relying on the internet for everything people would have a much higher level of

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