Common Football Injury Essay

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According to Saliba (43) Common Football injuries is an injury that is mainly caused by illegal tackling. Football has the highest risk of injury compared to other sports. Tackling, blacking, and other physical interactions between players can result in contusions, concussions, and other common injuries. Some football injuries are, broken neck, brain damage and dislocated shoulder. Common football injuries are extremely dangerous and can lead to death, such as sprained ankles, dislocated shoulders, concussions, broken arms, and fractured knees. Goldbert et al. (75) relays that a sprain occurs when the ligaments around the ankle joint are stretched, twisted or torn. Ligaments connect bones and cartilage around a joint, keeping the bone stable. …show more content…

(3) notify us that a bump, blow, or jolt to the head can cause a concussion, a type of traumatic brain injury. Concussions can also occur from a blow to the body that causes the head and brain to move rapidly back and forth—literally causing the brain to bounce around or twist within the skull. This sudden movement of the brain causes stretching, damaging the cells and creating chemical changes in the brain. Once these changes occur, the brain is more vulnerable to further injury and sensitive to any increased stress until it fully recovers. Amen, et al. (3) notify us that professional athletes who experience one or more of the signs and symptoms listed below, or who report that they just “don 't feel right,” after a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body may have a concussion. Signs and symptoms of concussion generally show up soon after the injury. But the full effect of the injury may not be noticeable at first. For example, in the first few minutes the athlete might be slightly confused or appear a little bit dazed, but an hour later they can’t recall coming to the practice or game. Concussion policy statements can be developed to include the school or league’s commitment to safety, a brief description of concussion, and information on when athletes can safely return to play. Parents and athletes should sign the concussion policy statement at the beginning of the football …show more content…

(327) states that diagnosis is primarily clinical. A spontaneously reduced knee dislocation should be suspected in patients with a large hemarthrosis, gross instability, or both; detailed vascular evaluation, including ankle-brachial BP index, should be done immediately the knee is fully examined. Active knee extension is assessed in all patients with knee pain and effusion to check for disruption of the extensor mechanism (eg, tears of the quadriceps or patellar tendon, fracture of the patella or tibial tube. Treatments for knee injuries includes mild sprains, which requires protection, rest, ice, compression, and elevation, and early immobilization. Saliba (46) explains that severe injuries include: 1) splinting or a knee immobilizer, and 2) referral to an orthopedic surgeon for surgical repair. Draining large effusions may decrease pain and spasm. Most 1st-degree and moderate 2nd-degree injuries can be treated initially with PRICE, including immobilization of the knee at 20° of flexion with a commercially available knee immobilizer or splint. Babwah & Rogers (113) admit that early range of motion exercises are usually encouraged. Severe 2nd-degree and most 3rd-degree sprains require casting for more or less 6 weeks. Some 3rd-degree injuries of the medial collateral ligament and anterior cruciate ligament require arthroscopic surgical repair. Hiett (137) declare that patients with severe injuries are referred to an orthopedic surgeon for surgical

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