Coming To America Thesis

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The American Dream has many different perspectives. Neil Diamond, Brooks and Dunn,Dierks Bentley, and Ronald Reagan have famous song or famous speech that talk about the American dream. “Coming to America” by Neil Diamond is a song with a very powerful, meaningful purpose about the struggles that America has been through as a whole. Neil Diamond wrote this song in an upbeat style in 1991. Diamond has a very strong message in this song. He states “They’re coming to America” which in this song “They” refers to the Cuban immigrants flooding into America. Diamond’s theme of this song is that America is available to anyone that wants to come to our country (Nightfawn27. "Neil Diamond Coming To America”). Dierks Bentley wrote “Home” in 2011.’Home” was written to show the scars and good things in America. Dierks wrote “Scars, yeah she’s got her scars Sometime it starts to worry me” which he is referring to when the two planes crashed into the Twin Towers. Bentley also wrote this on the 10 year anniversary of 9/11. This song has a calm, peaceful, melody, style with a theme of the beauty of america but at the same time the difficult struggles that America has been through (DierksBentleyVEVO. "Dierks Bentley - Home”). …show more content…

This song has a strong message about America being a “promise land.” “Only In America” which the singer is talking about is that talking about life in America that any desire that he or she wanted to be. Brooks and Dunn wrote this is an upbeat tone that is very rhythmic. Which is what draws the listener into the sounds and words. The theme of this song is rich and poor classes in America. The message was that no matter what time of class you come from the rich or the poor you still have opportunities that can lead you anywhere you wanted to go (BrooksandDunnVEVO. "Brooks & Dunn - Only In

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