Colonial Violence Vs Non Violence

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Violent protests were more effective than peaceful measures in resolving the colonists’ conflicts with the British. The colonists were unhappy with the British and their actions, so the colonists wanted to show that they were mad through violence. The colonists demonstrated many acts of violence towards the British. Violence is better than nonviolence because they need to get their point across, it will change for the better, and lastly will scare them to make it change it their way. The British were taxing the colonists on sugar and tea. The colonists were not happy about this because they don’t want to pay the taxes. The colonists were mad and wanted to get revenge. There were three ships that were allowed to come into the Boston Harbor with tea on them. During the night, the colonists went to the ships. The colonists took the chests of tea and threw them all into the Harbor that night. This was the Boston Tea Party Act. This shows that violence was better than nonviolence because the colonists got their point across. If the colonists didn’t do what they did the British would have done nothing. For instance, if the colonists had a peaceful protest, the British would have ignored it. Now that the colonists …show more content…

Because of what the British did during the Boston Massacre, their colonists resulted in violence. The colonists threw rocks and snow at the Customs House. This shows that violent protest makes sure the British change their policies. If the colonists weren’t throwing rocks there wouldn’t be any change made. Now that the British see that the people are bad, they are going to change their policies. Also if the colonists are made, they aren’t going to do what the British want. The colonists will protest and not follow what the British are doing. They will boycott them and the British will not make as much profit as they would have. This violent protest will cause people to change their policies in favor of the

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