Colonial American Culture

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As Americans we need to understand how our country was formed, with slavery, conflict, brutality, but also peace, compassion, and alliances; slavery was particular crucial to our prosperity; in the 1600 the colony’s could Nat have survived without bargaining and skirmishing with the Native Americans, even in New England many immigrants were invested in the slave trade though not directly handling slaves.

The English and Native americans clash of culture forced tense relationships between not only the English and the tribes but angered the tribes against themselves. Not only did this cultural clash start many wars but it is one of the main reasons the colony’s survived their harsh new environment. Upon first landing in New England the pilgrims …show more content…

By the 1680 the entire economy relied on slave labor, even in the 1600 colonies could not have functioned without tier exports due to the labor of slaves. African slavery first came to fusion when they were thought lesser of than the English, racial slavery was much a cause to racism previously and presently. Slavery slowly took root in American colonies, it became known around 1619 that the first slaves were introduced but around the 1680 slavery became widespread through the new world. Many wealthy were forcing or were forced to shift from indentured servants to slaves because of the costs and the impending servant revolt. Not only did the wealthy shift but the colonists did as well because of demographic, economical, racial reasons, and the availability and disposability of a slave work force. Tracing the roots of slavery leads back to indentured servants, where servants agreed to work for a five-year period in return to be transported to the new America with food, land and clothing; many colonies were dependent on general workers and farms which they initially did not have, many of the population were wealthy looking for a profit whom did not know how or want to work the land. Indentured servants were different from slaves because they allowed by law to obtain property, their freedom and earn money. The major importation of slavery came when the Royal African Company was destroyed and the slave population grew up to 70% in certain colonies in the Americas because the Company had been throttling the imports to raise the prices of slaves. Understand the institution of slavery cannot be done without and understand of its roots not only in America but other countries, initially slavery was not an institution but was a way for the poor to have a new chance at life; this changed when greed once again took hold of thousands of

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