Essay On Racism

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hroughout the world’s history, there were different groups of people all over the globe yet to face each other. These groups developed their own culture, and way of life that was distinctly different to others in many aspects. Before in depth knowledge of human origins, creation, and biological characteristics of this species, people were identified based on physical characteristics. For example, the chief in a tribe would wear something to distinguish himself from the others. More specifically, tribes would wear different clothing and speak different languages. Similarly, in past Europe, one would determine where a person is from based on their dress, language, or distinct physical features. It seems there was a need to distinguish people for various reasons that were positive. However, the introduction of “races” gave groups of people that had similar physical characteristics the ability to claim that one group was better than the other because of these differences. The result of this mentality resulted in many years of colonization; slavery and massacres due to physical differences, mainly skin color. Not only were some people made inferior, but also the superiors believed that they were lesser because of physical differences, lower intellect, and lack of usefulness for anything other than to serve. Blunt examples of racism thrived for hundreds of years all over the world, such as slavery, lynching, and holocaust. However, other forms of racism developed and are present in America’s society today. Institutional racism is a type of discrimination that is discreet and involves the actions of government organizations unfairly disadvantaging a certain group of people. Today, the prevalence of black males and females in prisons is h... ... middle of paper ... ...e to the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 that made punishment significantly more serious for the trafficking of crack compared to powder cocaine. The issue with this is that crack was in fact associated with blacks and powder cocaine; a much more serious drug threat was associated with whites. 75% of people in state prison for drug conviction are people of color although blacks and whites see and use drugs at roughly the same rate. In NYS, 94% of those imprisoned for a drug offense are people of color. The amount of people in prisons also has an impact on the nation’s economy. In the last two decades, the amount of spending towards prisons has progressed to a substantial six times more than higher education. Nearly $70 billion is spent annually on prisons, probation, parole and detention Imprisonment also means that 5.3 million Americans are denied their right to vote.

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