College Theatrical Essay

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An Essay On a College Theatrical
Last year I happened to be in charge of the dramatic section of our college union. My election to the position had proved a tough job, because my views on the proper way of conducting a college theatrical was considered to be too original by many, perhaps even eccentric. I had no sympathy for those who wanted to represent on a hired public stage some popular play of the time, giving at best only an imitation of professional actors. I believed that a college theatrical should give scope to the dramatic talents of students, not only in the actual performance, but in the management of the stage, decoration, costume, as well. So when I was at last elected to job. I feel to my work with a will.

The first tussle took …show more content…

I followed the principles of the little theatre movement in western counters. I was all for making our own stage. I called in those of my fellow-students who had a flair for these things, and planned a stage with the resources at our disposal. The background was to be severely simple; three movable and interchangeable back drops designed to suggest change of scenes were found sufficient. The other parts of the stage also were to be simple in design and suggestive in effect. We supplied the designs to our artist friends, and they worked hard on them to get them ready by the time rehearsals were complete. The “props” or individual objects, such as pieces of furniture and modeled rocks or painted trees, were also got ready. The stage was improvised in our college courtyard which could accommodate near about a thousand students at a time. We also improvised the costumes: this was not difficult, as our own flowing robes could be easily altered to resemble roman togas. It was hard work all the time: what with planning, designing, and carrying out, our hands were full: and we were too busy all the while to be critical or

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