Theatre Review Essay

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A. What was your state of mind when you arrived at the theatre?
a. My state of mind when I entered the theatre was excitement and anticipation to see the play. I’ve been looking forward to coming to this play because I love the atmosphere of the theatre and love going and seeing plays. I was also a little nervous that my boyfriend may not enjoy it or think it was fun like I did!
B. What was your initial impression of the theatre and its surroundings?
a. My initial impression of the theatre was that it was almost calming in a way. I liked how the house of the theatre was kind of dim and how the stage was lit up which shows that the stage is the main focal point in the theatre.
C. Where was your seat?
a. I had what I believed …show more content…

From my first impression of walking into the theatre I liked how the stage and the set was decorated. I felt like the set was very real and lifelike and represented a locker room area very well. Another thing I liked about the play was how the costumes and the appearances of the actress’ was very relative to the 1970’s. I loved the bell bottom jeans, the striped tank tops, and also the pep club sweatshirt. I also loved that the play brought up social issues that are still very apparent today. For example, the alcohol, the LGBT quotes, the eating disorders, race issues at the time, and also how people can pretend to be things that they aren’t. I also thought it was very neat how in the end Liz ended up becoming the bad guy, instead of Sherri Lee. It also showed how everyone is not always how they seem, and that being nice to people and showing you care about them means more than just being there for them. I absolutely loved the overall …show more content…

I believe that this play was more art than entertainment. This play was not really directed towards a larger group of people. I believe if it was directed towards an audience it would have been directed towards a group of middle aged, white, conservative adults who have firm beliefs in certain things that this play represents. This play also demanded an intellectual effort to appreciate it. In order to really enjoy the play you had to understand the references to things in history that were relative to the play. The quotes such as “queer,” “integrate,” and the symptoms of the bulimia were things you would have to have a prior knowledge of to appreciate these references. That being said these quotes may have also challenged the beliefs of some audience members, which helps contribute to the fact that this play was art instead of

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