Stage Manager Observation

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Stage Manager Observation Paper During this semester, I had the great pleasure in observing two extremely well done shows which were lead by a few very incredible stage managers. I witnessed with awe the hard work, effort, and dedication these people put into their shows, and grew inspired to understand their work at a greater level. The first of the two shows I observed was The Dark Heart of Poe, produced by LitLive Theatre Co. The stage manager, Kaelia Franklin-Winterstein, wore a number hats for this production; she was the official stage manager, a production manager, and a producer. For the sake of this paper, and her own sanity, we will stick to her role as the stage manager. The second performance I so gratefully got to see was Something …show more content…

Kaelia’s work on this show involved many learning curves. Her job forced her to think outside the box, use creative solutions, and ultimately stretch herself to her limits. Being apart of a small company such as this, Kaelia had very little to work with. Through observing her, I learned how to prioritize the importance of needs vs wants, and how to find creative solutions to fairly difficult problems. (I also learned to never use a real, full bottle of wine on stage. Ever. No matter how much your actors beg you to. Don’t do it. Period.) After experiencing our talk back with Matt and his two ASMs, one of the biggest things I learned from their perspective was the importance of reputation. Once your name is exposed in the world of theatre, your reputation can make or break you. Matt mentioned that people will never remember you on your best day, but will always remember you on your worst. This resonated with me, because being a stage manager takes a great deal of self awareness. This is something I hope to take with me no matter what realm of theatre I become apart of. As long as I’m aware of myself, my work can carry me

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