Causes Of Graduate Unemployment And Underemployment

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College Graduates Underemployment and Unemployment: What are the Causes of Today’s Recent Graduates Failure to Launch?

Statistics show college graduates are having a difficult time finding employment more than the generations before them. The question is, what are some of the underlying factors creating the lack of employment opportunities?
Between the years 2000-2013, the percent of unemployment for college graduates with a bachelor degree was better than their non-graduate counter parts. As a matter of fact, the level of unemployment is lower for all age groups with college degrees vs. non degree holders. Nevertheless, the percent of 20-24 year olds that are unemployed is higher than that of their 25-to 34 year old equals (U.S. Department …show more content…

Could this be because recent grads need experience that their education is not providing, or their ability to find their path? “Today’s crop of new B.A.s are staring at roughly 8.5 percent unemployment and 16.8 percent underemployment. Close to half of those who land work won’t immediately find a job that requires their degree, and for those stuck in that situation, there are fewer ‘good’ jobs to go around” (Weissmann, 2014). Perhaps college students should reevaluate their educational choices to better fit the job market.
What factors are to blame for the inability of today’s college graduates to obtain gainful employment? There are many possible reasons for the situation such as outsourced jobs, flawed college instruction, lack of work ethic, older workers in the workforce, and illegal immigration. A look into the possible causes is necessary to discover the problem of under and unemployment for this new generation of …show more content…

In my experience of hiring and working with the younger generation, there are many issues that I have had to deal with that the older generation comprehends. It is hard for the younger employee’s to understand that they are paid to work not check in with social media, and breaks occur when they are scheduled. Also, younger employees tend to look for more praise and recognition for every task they complete, instead of understanding it is an expectation of the job and not a choice. It is possible the workforce is seeing a generation of “everyone gets a trophy” mentality, and young people are having a hard time adapting to the real world. Schools could work on both hard and soft skills. Supplying more real world experience in class would be beneficial for the student when joining the working

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