College Admissions Essay: My Passion For Teens

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Leadership can look different and at times may not be recognized at all. A leader may lead by holding power in position, but true leader empowers people through inspiration with a vision that does not promote self gain, but benefits all involved. As a leader you must know you strengths, limitations and able to reflect on a situation. Knowing when the work of a group is flowing or if change of direction is needed. Self-control of emotions to produce the enthusiasm needed to change the climate and culture of a group and calm yourself not showing anger; predictability. Self-motivated and able to direct yourself without hesitation, confident, but humble. Consider all the options and opinions on the table, but able to make the best decision …show more content…

I have a dream that all teens will become productive, caring citizens who feel valued. This passion allows me to take risk and advocate with confidence in what I believe needs to happen. People recognize my passion in the community because I am the first to volunteer when anything is needed. In turn, I am able to provide services to a group that may otherwise not be acknowledged with simple needs that some take for granted. One of my best and most important qualities is that I am accepting and do not judge people. (I am not perfect, it is a conscious effort I work on daily) I strive to become knowledgable about the community and services available for resources to aid in the completion of the task at hand; I have become good at networking. My interpersonal skills are my strongest asset, people view me has honest, hard-working and able to generate solutions. I understand my limitations and tend to team up with people who can compliment me in the pursuit to complete the goal. I am a random thinker which at times impedes or muddies the process of reaching the end of the plan. People to keep me focused by setting a timeline with incremental goals so I do not veer off the path and lose people on the

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