College Admissions Essay: My Greatest Accomplishments

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Believe it or not, you accomplish something every day. It may be a small accomplishment like cleaning your room or maybe doing the dishes without being asked. You could also accomplish big feats such as raising four hundred dollars at your lemonade stand for charity. Accomplishments are influenced and guided by those around you. These people around you, guide and assist in helping you accomplish things. These people can be family, friends, or even complete strangers. How many things have you accomplished in your life? I know I have accomplished both great, and seemingly small things in my life. Many of my accomplishments have come from academic excellence. In eighth grade, I earned the title of Valedictorian. That accomplishment led to another. As …show more content…

I had never done something like that before in my whole entire life! Despite my apprehension, I got up there on the stage and did it. Even though that seems like an insignificant deed, it was one of the biggest things I have accomplished in my life. This is because it required such courage and bravery to accomplish. It made me go completely outside of my element and do something I would’ve never pictured myself doing. Another thing I have accomplished is my induction into the National Honor Society and also the National Society for High School Scholars. To accomplish this, it took great academic dedication and focus but it all paid off in the end. One of the most amazing things I have accomplished is my recent lifestyle change. I decided about seven months ago that I would become a vegan. This wasn’t just a “diet” but this was a lifestyle change that not only impacted me, but also my family and friends. Veganism has made completely changed me into a better person. I feel better physically and now I feel better mentally. With every journey to accomplishments, you face obstacles. When I became valedictorian,

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