Collaborative Leadership In Macbeth

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“You can't run a government from one single person. What instead matters is that leadership be about gathering around extraordinary individuals and getting the best out of them.”, Justin Trudeau. What Trudeau is saying is that leadership is about cooperation and sharing ideas, not letting one person do all the work. Authoritative leadership is less effective than collaborative leadership because fear and power create anarchy and dissent, while respect and decency create a harmonious society. This claim can be supported by Machiavelli, Plato, Crace, and Macbeth.

Authoritative leadership creates anarchy and dissent through fear. Authoritative leadership is not always effective since it causes people to be afraid of the leader. In the play Macbeth, …show more content…

A ruler cannot be only collaborative or only authoritative in the way they lead. In The Republic, Plato says “Until philosophers are kings, or the kings and princes of this world have the spirit and power of philosophy, and political greatness and wisdom meet in one…” (Source C). Plato is saying that a leader must have rational thinking in order to be effective. A ruler should never be completely collaborative or completely authoritative or else they will not be successful. Conversely, in Macbeth, Macbeth ruled by using only authoritative leadership. In Macbeth it says “As calling home our exiled friends abroad that fled the snares of watchful tyranny, producing forth the cruel ministers of this dead butcher and his fiendlike queen” (Act 5. Scene 8. Lines 67-70) (Source A). Malcolm is saying that they are finally free of King Macbeth and everything bad that he has done. This shows that Macbeth was not successful as a leader since some of the people planned to kill him and went through with it just to stop him from being the King of Scotland. Macbeth was not a successful King. Using strictly only one kind of leadership is never completely effective, but collaborative leadership is more effective than authoritative …show more content…

There is strong evidence to show that authoritative leadership is not more effective since Macbeth ruled through authoritative leadership and was not successful and that society may become angry with the ruler if they use authoritative leadership. Members of society may become angry if the ruler is cruel because of the use of authoritative leadership. In The Prince, Machiavelli said “it is much safer to be feared than loved” (Source B). Machiavelli is saying that if a ruler is feared, others will not rebel against them. This is not necessarily true since the fear can push others to act in order to stop feeling that way. An example of this happening would be in Macbeth when they were planning on killing Macbeth while he was king. In Macbeth it says “Hail, King! For so thou art. Behold where stands th’usurper’s cursèd head. The time is free” (Act 5. Scene 8. Lines 54-55) (Source A). Macduff is speaking to Malcolm about how they are finally free of Macbeth after Macduff killed him. This shows that sometimes fear can lead to rebellion and can lead to the ruler being hurt. Clearly, authoritative leadership is not more effective than collaborative leadership since it can lead to fear and

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