Collaborative Consultation Case Study

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1. Describe in your own words collaboration, client, consultant, and consultee. a. Collaboration is working together in order to get something done, or accomplish a task. When collaboration is taking place, people should be working as one or as a team. b. The client is the person who is receiving the help or who the focus is on. Most of the time this is the student. c. The consultant is the one who is giving the professional advice about a certain topic, or the one who is offering knowledge to the consultee about the client. d. The consultee is the one who deliverers the information or knowledge from the consultant to the client. This is normally the special education teacher or the general education teacher. 2. Choose 1 model of collaborative consultation (Triadic or Collaborative Consultations) and describe. a. In the Triadic model, the consultant, consultee, …show more content…

In class we discussed 4 factors that affect collaboration; describe two of those factors. a. The first factor that can affect collaboration is time. Teachers are very busy throughout the day and may find it hard to make time to collaborate with their peers. Some schools have worked to build in this collaboration time during the day or during the weeks of school. However, some teachers must find this time on their own. It can be difficult for a teacher to stay after school or meet on the weekends but this may have to be done in order to make that time for collaboration. b. The second factor that can affect collaboration is trust. Trust is very important and sometimes the hardest thing to have when collaborating. It is vital that everyone in the collaboration group trust each other. If they don’t then they may feel like they can’t share something because they are worried about breaking confidentiality. If someone feels like they can’t trust another, they are going to be less likely to be open and honest during the collaboration period. This can greatly affect the outcome of the collaboration

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