Cold War And Terrorism Essay

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There are many similarities and differences between the Cold War and the War on Terrorism, especially in a lot of the items you listed for us.

My first example will be the Iron Curtain, which was a metaphorical “wall” seperating communist countries from the rest of Europe. While there is no word for it today, there is definitely a very similar situation going on during the War on Terrorism. Americans today treat terrorist countries exactly how they would during the cold war, seperating them from the rest. The effect of this on American people is similar to how the Iron Curtain effected us, back then talking about communist countries would always be a serious subject and would likely bring tension and a foul mood. The same goes for us now, not often, if ever, will terrorist countries be brought up in casual conversation and not end up bringing the mood down.

Another example of similarity would be the Taliban, who are very similar to the Vietcong from the Vietnam War. The Vietcong were trying to start an uprising of communism in South Vietnam, and the Taliban are trying to do the same with Terrorism in the Middle East. Both groups also seem to follow the ideas and views of a central figure, Taliban following the footsteps of Mullah Omar and Bin Laden, and the Vietcong following their leader Ho Chi Minh. …show more content…

The Cold War began as North Korea and North Vietnam showed intent to spread communism to both South Korea and South Vietnam respectively, which led to the US sending troops to assist in halting the spread of communism. The War on Terrorism began after a direct act of terrorism on the US by Afghanistan, known as the 9/11 attacks. These attacks killed 2977 americans total, and was a precursor for future attacks. This led to the Bush administration announcing a war on terrorist countries, with the goal of taking down Osama Bin Laden and al-Qaeda, and preventing other similar terrorist

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