Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Case Study

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is the therapeutic method this inpatient unit already provides to the patients. Therapy staff is currently trained on CBT and nursing staff will be trained by the therapy staff prior to initiation of the intervention. Nursing staff will also be provided smoking cessation education by Pfizer Pharmaceutical Group.
Inclusion criteria for the group intervention includes: using tobacco products within the last 30 days, and a cognitive functioning level appropriate for CBT. Each patient admitted to the hospital will be assessed for tobacco use on admission. The patients not matter the admitting diagnosis who are identified as using tobacco within the last 30 days will be asked to attend the next day’s cessation group. Due to the acute nature of the patient’s psychological condition participation in the group intervention may be deemed inappropriate until stabilization occurs. Cognitive abilities will be assessed by the nurse providing direct care for the patient. …show more content…

This group facilitator will provide education, CBT, and facilitate the completion of the quit plan with each patient in a group setting. Cessation groups will be held daily for 15 mins prior to regular CBT programing. During the 15min session participants will be at varying stages of completion. The facilitator will orient new members to the group purpose, provide them cessation information, and explain the quit plan form. The facilitator will then discuss each participants progress in completing the quit plan and talk through barriers and concerns. Open discussion is welcome and encouraged. It is estimated that two to three patients will meet inclusion criteria for the group intervention. Total yearly cost to maintain intervention is four thousand three hundred and seventy dollars and fifty cents. See appendix C for a detailed cost

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