Psychotherapy: Talk Therapy

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Psychotherapy, or other wise known as talk therapy, is a way to treat people with a metal disorder by helping explain the illness and for them to have a better understanding of what is going on. It teaches people to handle their problems themselves, giving them strategies to work through the issue at hand that day or moment. Psychotherapy ultimately gives the client the power to help themselves with out the therapist having to be there with them in their day to day lives. Sometimes psychotherapy alone maybe the best treatment for a person, depending on the illness. Other times psychotherapy is combined with medications. The therapists will work alone with the individual or the close family of the client to help compose an appropriate treatment plan. There are different variety’s of psychotherapy that exist. There is no “on size fits all” approach in treating someone with an illness. It truly depends on what the clients needs are, some people may have a treatment that includes only one type of psychotherapy, and other treatments may include several different types of psychotherapy. Cognitive Behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the various different types of evidence based practices used in therapies today. It is a blend of two therapies: cognitive therapy …show more content…

It is a form of CBT, it was developed by Marsha Linehan, Ph. D. it was initially used to treat people with suicidal thoughts or behavior. As it stands now, it is used a great deal for clients with borderline personality disorder (BPD). BPD is an illness when the client has suicidal thoughts and behaviors, and are more common. The therapist assures the client that their behavior and feelings are legitimate and understandable. The therapists roll in this kind of treatment is a coaching style, the therapist coaches the client to understand that it is up to the client to change their unhealthy or disruptive

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