Coastal Erosion and Defence in White Cliffs Country

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Coastal Erosion and Defence in White Cliffs Country


The shoreline is a dynamic system where stability is maintained

despite the continued movement of waves, tides, wind and sediment.The

present configuration of the shoreline is now controlled by the

various coastal defences', which mankind has put in place over the

last 100 - 200 years. These have stopped or slowed the transport of

sediments and reduced the ability of the shoreline to respond to

Natural forcing factors.

Who is responsible for the coastline?

In the United Kingdom, the Department of the Environment, Food and

Rural Affairs (DEFRA) is responsible for the protection of the

coastline from flooding and erosion.

Responsibility for the coastline is divided between various

authorities in accordance with legislation. Coastal Protection

authorities such as Dover District Council are empowered under the

Coast Protection Act 1949 to carry out works in their area to protect

the coast from erosion. The construction and maintenance of works to

resist coastal flooding is carried out by the Environment Agency in

accordance with the Water Resources Act 1991.

Strategic planning

A key component in managing the coast has been the development

[IMAGE]Of Shoreline Management Plans (SMP) which set out a strategy

for coastal management of a section of the coastline. Each SMP covers

an area of coastline known as a sub-cell within a littoral sediment

cell, of which there are eleven on the England and Wales Coastline.

A sediment cell is defined as a length of coastline, which

Is relatively self-contained and where interruption to such movement

Should not have a significant effect on adjacent sediment cells. Each

major littoral cell is divided into a number of sub-cells, based on

the best available knowledge of large-scale processes.In order to

encourage improved co-operation between authorities aseries of Coastal

Groups have been established based on the littoral

cell boundaries. Dover District Council is a member of the Southeast

Coastal Group that extends form Beachy Head to the Isle of Grain. The

production of each SMP involved the appointment of expert firms of

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