Clothing And Clothing Design

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1.1 Background The field of Textile Design has not had much development, lack of knowledge about fashion culture makes many people act regardless empirically basis points required for development of garments , when performed as a field in which to consider many aspects such as colour and shape , which if not properly applied can affect the psychologically . Without sideline materials and supplies for making and thus get the market good quality clothes. Since ignorance of the psychology of colour and shape, each colour has person who observes a triple action. Impress the perceiver , in that the colour looks and catches eye , has a capacity of expression, because each colour, expresses a meaning and causes a reaction and excitement, and builds on it colour has its own meaning , and takes the value of a symbol , capable of communicate an idea. Not only the appearance of a colour depends greatly on the context in space and in time, it would also need to know which precise tint referring to that value clarity, as degree of saturation (Campbell, 2006). To all mankind people love colour and each person has his own ideas about antipathies or sympathies, or taste dislike about this colour or that, but in general, all perceive a different physical reaction to the feeling that produces a colour. In the psychology of colours are based with certain relations of these forms and geometric symbols, and the heraldic representation. Although these determinations are purely subjective and due to interpretation staff, research has shown to be normal in most individuals, and are determined by unconscious reactions of these, and also by various associations that relate to nature. The colours express moods and emotions in a very concrete Psychic signifi... ... middle of paper ... ... defines many types of contrast and although some are not particularly applicable, it is very interesting to know deeper understanding of the effect of the colours. The psychological power of colour produces a movement in the mood (Süsstrunk, Buckley and Swen, 1999). Physical energy primitive is the way by which the colour comes to mind. If the body is attached closely to the soul, is likely to cause another psychic vibration by association. For example, red can produce a shock of mood, similar to that produced by the fire, which is commonly associated. Colour maybe deep red is attractive to the point of becoming painful, its similarity with the blood. In this case, the colour refers to other physical agents brings painful psychic effects. If this was simply the case, could establish, without question, the physical effects of colour on the eye, and also on other ways

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