Closed Adoption Research Paper

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Although some people think adoptees should have the rights to know their birth parents, adopted kids should not have the rights to know their birth parents because birth parents are unsafe and unreliable, birth parents may want a sense of closure and privacy, and the birth families may not want someone exploding into their lives. “Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother.” (Oprah Winfrey) Is it only important who gave birth to a child? To be a mother you need to be Yolanda Jepsen. To be a mother, you need to be there for the child. You have to help the child grow and shape them into the person they will become. You have to teach the child right from wrong. You have to give the child love and support. Being a biological mother does not give you …show more content…

A parent writing for the huffington post said “ This is why my son has a closed adoption and always will. His birth parents are not safe and i will do everything in my power to protect him” (2). The birth parents in this adoption had bad tempers, had been arrested several times, and were abusive. That makes the birth parents unstable and unsafe. The adopted mom wants best for her son, and will do everything to keep her son safe from the harm he can get from his birth parents. She also says in the huffington post, “So in a one year period, they could have seen this lovely little boy more than 100 times. Do you know how many times they showed up? In a whole year? Fourteen. And that was with a social worker driving them TO THEIR HOUSE to pick them up. Often, they just wouldn’t get in the van. Even if the little boy was inside” (2) The birth parents weren't reliable enough to go see their own son on their own, therefore they weren’t taking care of their son, the adopted parents were taking care of the son. There were times the adopted parents had to drive their foster son back and forth to the birth

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