Climatology Essay

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Global warming is the rise in the earth’s average atmospheric temperature. When sunlight heats the ground surface, it releases most of the solar energy it has absorbed as infrared radiation. Then what is known as the “greenhouse effect” occurs, this is where the gases in the atmosphere absorb the re-radiated infrared radiation and the escape of these gases being released into space is prevented. As long as the composition of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere does not change, the heat in the atmosphere will remain constant by releasing the contained heat into space. It has been noted that greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, and methane, have been increasing steadily since the early 90’s, and around this time the average global …show more content…

Climatology is the study of the Earth’s climate over a long period of time and is done by using tree rings and by examining ice cores of glaciers. These studies show us how the climate has changed over the last hundred thousand years (Dunbar, B. (2016). With the Earth’s climate being a complex system to study and understand, one thing we do know that the change in Earth’s climate does affect our weather patterns. Some scientist believe the warming of Earth’s atmosphere, global warming, is the cause for changes such as heat, droughts, storms, and fires (Hagler, G. (2014). According to a study done by United Nations World Meteorological Organization, released in 2014, since 1997 we have had 13 of the warmest years, ever recorded and June 2012 marked 328 consecutive months with a global temperature above the 20th century average. In the year of 2012 alone, we had major record breaking events happen, we had the hottest January to June ever recorded in the continental United States. There were more than 22,000 daily high temperature records tied or broken, the largest drought declaration in over 50 years, one of the most destructive freak derecho storms in history, as well as fires in Colorado that destroyed more than 700 homes (Extreme weather 2015). Was this the …show more content…

For the first time in history 190 countries have committed to collectively work together to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions. On December 15, 2015 President Obama and leaders from countries around the world came together to adopt the most ambitious climate change agreement in history, known as the Paris Agreement. This agreement establishes the global framework to help reduce the greenhouse gas emissions and a way for each country to report their progress using a rigorous, standardized process of review. While the exact details of what each country plans to do, is not in this agreement, they all agree to work together to set a path to reducing a keeping global temperature rise below 2 degrees Celsius and reporting their efforts and results every five years (U.S. Leadership and the Historic Paris Agreement to Combat Climate Change (2015). While our leaders work on ways to reduce the greenhouse emissions as a whole there are things you can do as an individual such as, choosing a Green-e-certified energy supplier that generates at least half of its power from solar energy, wind and other natural sources. Drive less or drive smarter cars, build or convert homes and buildings to be green, by using proper insulation in your roof and walls, buying energy-efficient appliances, and replace your light bulbs with compact florescent

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