Climate Change Vs Capitalism

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Capitalism vs Climate Change Initiatives Capitalism and climate change seem like two fundamentally different ideas when we read their definitions, but when it comes to societal change they conflict very heavily. How can two different ideas be so different in base ideals but be so intertwined when societal change is involved? This involvement is due to our convoluted trade agreements that prevent progress in any sector but the economic one. This relationship is so twisted that it is almost humorous, and Naomi Klein reflects, “Yet rather than compete for the best, most effective supports for green energy, the biggest emitters in the world are rushing to the WTO to knock down each other’s windmills”. How can we expect the world to be cleaned When looking at consumerism and the intake of the average person, Klein writes, “Free market capitalism of the past three decades has put the emphasis particularly on consumption and trade. But as we remake our economies to stay within our global carbon budget, we need to see less consumption (except among the poor), less trade (as we relocalize our economies), and less private investment in producing for excessive consumption”. Klein brings up a great point to not only blame the big companies for seeking profit, but the public for rewarding those businesses for their terrible practices. We cannot expect the big businesses to change until we force them into a change. The product are all made to last a very small amount of time, and force you into buying a new product, which is further polluting the environment with the emissions from its manufacture. Consumerism is the fuel of the fire that profit-seeking businesses began, and without consumerism the fire will die out after time, as no fuel is added to the fire. We must think of climate change as a global problem, it isn’t only the consumer’s fault or the businesses’ fault or the poverty-stricken people’s fault, but it is all their responsibility to contribute to the recovery of the Earth. Without monumental levels of change, the may die out due to our neglect, but with societal change on a global level we can help take steps toward healing the

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