Classroom Philosophy Statement

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Personal Theory: I believe that all students should be able to come to school to get a good quality education. They should be able to come to school and consider your classroom as a safe environment. Creating a safe environment comes with structures and guidelines in your classroom. Teachers should set boundaries, rules, and guidelines that students must follow every day on the first day of class. Letting students know what you expect from them on day one will avoid problems later in the school year. This method will prevent students from saying they don’t know about classroom rules or simply stating they don’t know what is expected from them. Listen to students concerns about classroom rules and let them have an input on what goes on inside …show more content…

This includes a safe learning environment inside and outside of the classroom. To promote a safe environment for learning:
• The teacher should have a zero tolerance for students bullying, harrasing, and actions that involves harming themselves or others.
• Acknowledge and be respectable of racial and cultural differences in the classroom.
• Establish safety procedures and make sure that students understand and observe them.
• Use school established emergency procedures, such as evacuation plans for classrooms and other school environments, and make it clear to students what to do in case of an emergency.
• Demonstrate and model safe behavior.
Behavior Management: Dealing with behaviors inside of the classroom should be handled appropriately. Students with behavioral problems should be redirected immediately, so that they won’t disrupt the class. As a teacher, you should always have a plan on what to do if a …show more content…

• Talking to the student one on one.
• Have a parent conference with the student involved.
• Taking away privileges such as field trips, movie time, free play, and computer time.

Rules, Routines, Procedures
On the first day of class I will go over rules, routines, and procedures with students. On day one students will know classroom expectations and they will be required to show their understanding by modeling them. Depending on the grade level the information will also be provided to them in a syllabus. Older students will be required to go over classroom rules, routines, and procedures with their parents at home. Reminder of rules will be posted inside our classroom, on the bulletin board, and students will have a copy in their binder. Always remember to keep rules at a balance and don’t provide to many. Our daily routine schedule will be posted outside our classroom, online, and on our bulletin board. Visitors, parents, and students will always have access to our class routines, procedures, and rules. Staying on a consistent schedule will keep students on track inside the classroom. Routines also help students to know what is expected from them on that day. Planning for routines before time will ensure a smooth transition throughout the

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