Civil War Dbq

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Including the election and the instability of members of the Congress, the Kansas-Nebraska Act had major effects on the relationship between the parties and made politics even more unstable during this time. This act involved the “repeal of the Missouri Compromise and providing that settlers would determine the status of slavery in the territories” (Foner 479). This controversial act destroyed the balance between the free and slave states and led to the destruction of several political parties during this time. The Democratic party was divided because of this act and the more obscure Whig party “unable to develop a unified response to the political crisis, collapsed” (Foner 479). This left the two major political parties, the Republicans …show more content…

Both regions of the United States had drastically different economic systems that had both positive and negative effects leading up to the war. The North was largely factory and industrial based with greater infrastructure than the South. The North had “an extensive railroad system that had been built, with new lines through the Northwest being built” (Schulman). This allowed for the North to transfer goods and supplies quickly. In contrast, the South was largely farm-based with agriculture as its main source of income. Before the Civil War, many Southern states faced harsh tariffs imposed on them by the Northern representation in the Federal Government. The Northern states, in 1832, “benefitted from National tariffs (which boosted the economy) in the Northern manufacturing states, while hurting the economy of the Southern States” (“Abraham Lincoln’s Election”). Like the tariffs on the South that came before these, the new tariffs greatly angered the South and built up even more animosity between both areas of the country. One of the most impactful tariffs on North-South relations was the Morrill Bill which raised taxes on goods, especially in the South, to astronomical prices and was “united in a joint raid against the South” (Magness). With incredibly high taxes and tensions between the sectionalist regions of the country, these additional tariffs were one of the final tactics used to start one of the worst wars in American

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