Cinema Narrative Structure

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Photography led to the development of the motion picture industry. Using multiple still shots to create stories. By 1890 rapid back to back still shots, motion picture, the faster and closer together you could get the picture the closer and closer people got to the development of cinematography. Todays movie cameras work by taking still shots like a normal camera would, but they take around twenty four plus shots per second. The camera allows light into the pixels from the lense (modern electronic cameras) creating an electric current that imprints the image into the pixel. Kind of like stamping your shadow onto a wall. This had lead to the technological advances such as sound, color, animation, television, graphic design, CGI, retina display, …show more content…

Linear structure has a definitive beginning middle and end. You are introduced to the characters at the beginning, then as events occur you reach the climax (IE. the middle), then the story will come to a closing. With open narrative structure the closing is left open for the audience to wonder what actually happen. Open narrative structure is most commonly used in a series of films or trilogy. In closed structure narrative there is a definite ending, the audience doesn’t need to guess or draw their own conclusions. Lastly circular structure narrative is the least used narrative. The narrative begins at the end of an event and the audience is taken back to the beginning of the story. The butterfly effect is a good example of circular structure narrative. The story starts at one point, reaches a climax of a plot, comes back to the beginning and then jumps again to another plot, reaches another climax and then ends back where the movie …show more content…

dollars. And is expected to grow. With the advances in technology you can watch movies and TV on your phones, computers, TV, everywhere you go. With the distribution of films to tv stations and online streaming networks that number is expected to grow. Today people are very dependent on Hollywood's stamp on America. However this dependency has a link to depression in today’s society. “It’s been shown that the light from TV and computer screens affects melatonin production and melanopsin stimulation, and throws off our circadian rhythms. This interrupts or prevents deep, restorative sleep, causing an increase in stress and depressive symptoms.” - Huffpost. There is also a theory that depression is linked to the fact that, people, young children especially have too much access to the world, they don’t take their eyes away from the screens or communicate with the people who are intended to guide them, which is not Hollywood stars. For example when children access their phones in the day they can see the lives of the rich million dollar a movie stars and many people instantly start to feel bad for themselves because they don’t have that, they were not born into that life of luxury and carefree living. They actually have to work hard for the basic necessities in life and go through so much heartache. That with the already decreased melatonin levels just looking at the screen and lack of sleep can cause major

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