Christopher Columbus Narrative Essay

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The voyage to the new lands People say that sailing is easy, well it’s not it’s dangerous, and frightening. Everyone exploring is just a fight for gold, you obviously get paid by the country for finding gold. Also, it’s a rivalry between countries to see who has more power over everyone else. Christopher Columbus was the first to travel in the direction that we did. He was also sponsored by Spain like my crew and I, but he thought he sailed to the Indies but really ended up in some place called the Caribbean/Americas. In order to be a successful sailor, you must overcome obstacles, avoid disease, and hope to find new people and lands. The first event you have to go through is avoiding disease. You have to try to eat healthy or at least maybe have no junk food on the ship, only things that are healthy and won’t bring down your health. Stay away from dead corpses on the ship that have died from disease, and any that are sickly. Make sure you have good hygiene also, this could mean that there may be no showers but you could use water around you to clean areas on you that need it the most. Some diseases are more serious than others, I got a disease but our medical expertise person was able to cure me. So …show more content…

I left so when I come back I will be wealthy, have fame like good rep towards me for bringing wealth to the country, and this also gives me leadership. For this lots of young people look up to me, and see me as a role model. I want kids to come up to me and say,”Wow I want to be just like you when I get older!” From this voyage I learned to always be careful in the best ways possible, safety first because I don’t ever want to end up like Jaheim my crewmate who died from disease, shall he rest in peace. So all in all, to be a good explorer you have to get past challenges, survive illnesses, and lastly find the

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