Christofer Drew's Song 'Harmony'

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“In a world of hate, there has to be a light. Be that light and spread some love. Maybe this day, the youth can make a difference. No more hate!” Christofer Drew, the lead singer of the band Never Shout Never, believes that our generation can change the world by spreading the love. Not only does this quote display his point of view, but so do many of his songs, specifically the song “Harmony.” In the music video for “Harmony,” Drew gives his harmonious stance on the concept of war by creating a silly illustration of war for his youthful audience. Christofer Drew’s audience is most obviously the youth; it is easy to see this fact when looking at who Christofer Drew is, and the type of music he makes. Drew released this song in 2010 when …show more content…

Christofer Drew makes his audience support the love and think the war is dumb, through the facial expressions used. As mentioned before, the war being between two such silly objects makes fun of the idea of war to an extent. Looking at the facial expressions of the snails and salt at war, they simply look unhappy; they have scars, sharp teeth, bandanas, and other things that look “angry.”. In comparison, the two in love are happy and smiling; they are smiling, singing, and the salt even grows wings. The audience is happy for them; Drew makes his audience root for the love. Their love is forbidden by the war. Yet, they love each other (seen through the letters marked with a heart and how the audience can see through thought bubbles how they think about each other). They don’t support the war, they want peace. They simply want to be …show more content…

One reason would be to make fun of war. The use of salt and snails assists the audience in seeing how silly war is. Another reason is because they are simply opposites. Salt and snails harm each other. In the song, Christofer Drew says, “So trade your guns and fight with doves. We fight for love, and peace will find us with harmony.” This quote is Drew’s way of saying it is okay that we fight, but we shouldn’t make it as harmful. So, we trade our guns and fight with doves (a symbol of peace). If we get rid of the guns, and talk it out in harmony, then peace will find us. In order to really understand how this relates to the music video, one has to understand the significance of the weapons used in the music video. For example, the salt attacks the snails with a human finger; the salt on the finger harms the snail. Another example is that the snails dunk the salt in water; water dissolves salt, so it harms the

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