Christianity Vs Buddhism Essay

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Buddhism and Christianity seem to be two different worlds in their differences between the belief of a “god” in which Buddhism is a non-theistic, or no god, religion and Christianity is a monotheistic, or one god, religion and the “afterlife.” However, in a greater glance, while there are differences in the religion they have more in common than one could imagine. In Christianity they believe in one God and that their God is divine. God is also described to be omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent. According to Boston College, in their article “Introduction to Christian theology” explains that, Christians face challenges in trying to maintain a balanced view of God both in and outside of the world—to remember that although they believe God cares for them tenderly God also remains a mystery beyond their comprehension. Meaning, God himself is a mystery to the Christians but they know God cares for his people and that one can obtain a relationship with God. God cares …show more content…

Buddha was always asked a variety of questions and his response are always the same: “’what are you? Are you a god? “No” An angel? “No” A saint? “No” Then what are you?’” Buddha answered “I am awake.” Buddha is trying to say that he is now enlightened which he means he has reached Nirvana, extinguishing of the self or individual. Buddha has no say in the existence of gods and they refused to be devoted to them. Invitation to World Religions states, “The Buddha’s perspective on god is perhaps best described as transtheistic, in sense that he acknowledged the existence of gods; but when it comes to truly crucial issues of the quest for enlightment and nirvana, the gods are not helpful.” Buddhists main focus is to be enlightened in order to stop from suffering. God to them is nothing because God himself does not lead Buddhist towards the path to Nirvana only individuals themselves are able to find their own way to get

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