Christian Beliefs on Religion, Wealth and Poverty

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Christian Beliefs on Religion, Wealth and Poverty

1. Christians and wealth and poverty, Christians believe that a

person's value should be judged by their actions and not by money or

possessions. Jesus taught that wealth encourages greed and selfishness

and doesn't lead to true happiness. Christians believe that wealth is

sometimes can be used for good or evil, and so, in itself it is not a

bad thing. Also Christians should believe that materialism is wrong,

this means believing in more then money and possessions, more on

deeper worth's such as justice and compassion. Most Christians would

believe, the love of money is the root of all evil (1 timothy 6:9-10).

Also in the bible, Matthew 14.15-21 a teaching from Jesus, it is about

a boy sharing food with lots of people. This teaching is saying, share

with others who are more unfortunate. Also in act 2.44-7, it is about

sharing belongings, selling their belongs and sharing the money

between them equally, the teaching is to follow this example. Also MT

said in the bible "you cannot serve both god and money" MT624 , this

is about choosing what you love more.

Muslims and wealth and poverty, Muslims believe in the Qu'ran and the

pillars of Islam. Zakah is the third pillar of Islam; it is the giving

of 2.5% of their wealth a year. This is if you can afford it, it goes

to benefit the poor. It shows you worship Allah and it purifies the

giver. It also gives great happiness to the giver as they have helped

the poor. They also try and do a good deed like going to volunteer

into a charity, it is done for the sake of Allah and it doesn't have

to involve money. This is called Sadaqah. In the Qu'ran, Surah 2:274 "

those who in charity spend of their goods by night and by day, in

secret and in public, have their lord". Also Hadith quoted by

al'Bukhan, " he who eats and drinks whilst his brother goes hungry is

not one of us".

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