Cholesterol Persuasive Speech

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What is cholesterol?
Cholesterol is a fat-like substance that’s present in all cells of the body. It is naturally formed inside the body, but can also be taken in through the foods we eat.
It does not mix with blood; it is carried in the blood by Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) and by High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL). The LDL (bad cholesterol) tends to build up and block the blood vessels carrying blood to the body. The HDL (good cholesterol) carries the cholesterol back to the liver for removal.
We cannot live without cholesterol because its functions are very important to our survival:
• Provides the structure of cell walls
• Allows the body to make particular hormones
• Creates digestive bile acids in the body
• Enables the body to generate vitamin D

However, irregular cholesterol levels may also be secondary to other disorders:
• Liver or kidney disease
• Diabetes
• Polycystic ovary syndrome
• Underactive thyroid gland
• Conditions increasing …show more content…

Take a brisk daily walk during lunch break
2. Ride your bike to work
3. Do swimming laps
4. Playing a favorite sport
5. To stay motivated, find an exercise buddy or join an exercise group.
6. Any physical activity is helpful’ like taking the stairs up or down, walking to the nearby supermarket instead of driving, standing up and sitting down during TV commercials, etc. can make a difference.
• Maintain a healthy weight - Excess weight leads in higher LDL. We should control the intake of foods that are high sources of cholesterol like egg yolks, meat and cheese, deep-fried and processed foods, dairy products, baked goods and chocolates.
• Avoid smoking – Quit any kind of smoking cigarette, tobacco, or e-cigarette.
• Moderate consumption of alcohol – Too much alcohol can lead to serious health problems.

Sometimes changing your lifestyle is not sufficient enough to lower cholesterol levels. However don’t let this discourage you if you don't see immediate results. Just keep going and maintain your revitalized

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