The Effect of Cholesterol on Membrane Fluidity

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The cell plasma membrane, a bilayer structure composed mainly of phospholipids, is characterized by its fluidity. Membrane fluidity, as well as being affected by lipid and protein composition and temperature (Purdy et al. 2005), is regulated by its cholesterol concentration (Harby 2001, McLaurin 2002). Cholesterol is a special type of lipid, known as a steroid, formed by a polar OH headgroup and a single hydrocarbon tail (Wikipedia 2005, Diwan 2005). Like its fellow membrane lipids, cholesterol arranges itself in the same direction; its polar head is lined up with the polar headgroups of the phospholipid molecules (Spurger 2002). The stiffening and decreasing permeability of the bilayer that results from including cholesterol occurs due to its placement; the short, rigid molecules fit neatly into the gaps between phospholipids left due to the bends in their hydrocarbon tails (Alberts et al. 2004). Increased fluidity of the bilayer is a result of these bends or kinks affecting how closely the phospholipids can pack together (Alberts et al. 2004). Consequently, adding cholesterol molecules into the gaps between them disrupts the close packing of the phospholipids, resulting in the decreased membrane fluidity (Yehuda et al. 2002). Eukaryotic plasma membranes in a fluid state have been found to contain a low cholesterol content of approximately one cholesterol to every 16 lipid molecules (Harby 2001). The effect of additional cholesterol in a plasma membrane on cell membrane fluidity and survival was studied in an experiment by Purdy et al. (2005), who used Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO) and bull sperm to test this effect. Assuming that changing a membrane's cholesterol content can modify its fluidity at differe... ... middle of paper ... ...the temperature where the membrane changes from gel to fluid (Yehuda 2002)). When at the transition temperature, cholesterol will lower membrane fluidity; however in contrast, at temperatures lower than the transition temperature, cholesterol will increase fluidity. Another trend in this table which demonstrates this phenomenon is the decreasing FPV of the CHO cells after cooling and freezing/thawing which shows the increasing membrane fluidity. However, compared to the control cells (at 0 mg) the CLC treated cells still showed considerably less membrane fluidity after being cooled. The data presented in this table supports the conclusion of Purdy et al. (2005) that the inclusion of cholesterol to the CHO cell membranes will result in significant changes to the membrane, confirming the established function of cholesterol as a regulator of membrane fluidity.

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