Chocolate Chip Cookies Research Paper

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When most people picture a chocolate chip cookie, they imagine a plain chocolate chip cookie just like grandma used to make. When I picture a chocolate chip cookie, I am taken back to childhood in my grandfather’s kitchen watching him bake his favorite cookies. The $250 Neiman Marcus chocolate chip cookies are by far a family favorite and are the centerpiece of most family functions.

The chocolate chip cookie recipe gained popularity when a woman was eating at a Neiman Marcus café in Dallas and asked the waitress for the chocolate chip cookie recipe. The waitress explained to the woman that she could own the recipe for “two-fifty.” At the time, the woman was convinced that the waitress meant two dollars and fifty cents, until she received her bill and was charged $250 for the recipe. To get revenge for being charged such a high amount, the woman released the recipe to the public. Years later, Neiman Marcus released their own recipe for free to try to clear their name. …show more content…

You will need two bowls – a large one for the wet ingredients and a medium for the dry ingredients. The wet ingredients include: butter, brown sugar, granulated sugar, eggs, and vanilla. For the dry ingredients, you will need to gather: flour, salt, baking soda, and baking powder. For measuring purposes, make sure you have measuring cups of all sizes and measuring spoons set aside. To grind the oatmeal and chocolate bar that gets mixed in, you will need a blender or food processor. For any hand mixing, you will need two wooden spoons or spatulas of your choice and a whisk. To add extra goodness, you will need chocolate chips and chopped nuts of your choice. Finally, you will need a greased baking sheet that’s worthy of baking a $250 chocolate chip cookie

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