Chirstian Marriage A Historical Study: Old Testament Views On Christian Marriage

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Caylib Holt Theology Prof. Fagge 2/16/15 Olsen, Glenn W. (Glenn Warren). Chirstian Marriage a Historical Study: Old Testament Views on Christian Marriage. Imprint: Crossroad Publishing Company. New York, NY, 2001. Over the course of the chapter on Christian marriage, there was three main points that were discussed. The first of these topics was about what Christian marriage was like during the pre-exilic period. Also the chapter talked about the rights and duties of a Christian couple during the pre-exilic period. And the chapter brought up the views and actions taken by law against adultery during the pre-exilic period. During the pre-exilic period of Christian marriage, the father of the future husband would go to the father of the future wife and the two fathers would propose a marriage. The author drew from this that spouses back then were very young and that they had no authority to propose a marriage on their own will. Marriages at this time period usually were formed to settle disputes over money or legal agreements. When both families concluded that the marriage was final, the future husband would send gifts to the future wife’s father to seal the agreement. These gifts also showed that the man was serious about the marriage proposal. …show more content…

The wife stayed devoted and loyal to her husband only, this allowed the husband to create more rightful heirs to take over his job in the household. Also, the wife stayed pure and loyal to her husband for her own happiness, because the husband took good care of her. Then, the wife also was the foundation of education for the household. The wife taught all the children as they grew up. And then the husband’s key role was being the provider, protector, and guider of wisdom for the

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