China's Population Control

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China, being a country that has all eyes on them have become one of the most prominent countries in the world recently. Development within the country has by far surpass the expectations of the people all around the world. Despite all that, China face some of the world’s biggest problems for instance overpopulation. The meaning of overpopulation is the excessive population of an area to the point of overcrowding, depletion of natural resources, or environmental deterioration. And with that, the one-child policy was introduced to control the population of People's Republic of China (PRC) or more commonly known as China. However, this policy may vary slightly in different areas.

Formed in 1949, The People’s Republic of China had a population that was 550 million. In the early 1950s the philosophy of the Chinese government was that ‘a large population gives a strong nation’. The government wanted many children to be born and that particular government was under the leadership of Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong was a Han Chinese revolutionary, a political theorist and a well-known communist leader. He led the People's Republic of China (PRC) from 1949 till the very end of his life in 1976, before the introduction of the one-child policy. This man was the founder of Maoism and under his leadership, many citizens of China had lost their lives due to famines, a result of a Five-Year Plan known as the Great Leap Forward. By the year 1970, there were 250 million additional people living in the country. Mao Zedong let people have as many babies as they want because he said, “Of all things in the world, people are the most precious”. With this quote, he managed to encourage the people of China to have big families thus increasing the population of...

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...e. Hence, the government present should consider the welfare of the people and the life on innocent lives at most.

In a recent article, 21 bodies of babies were found thrown into a river. It was believed that the bodies were dumped by the hospitals (Associated Press, 2010). Labeled as medical wastes, it is indeed a fact that this policy has caused numerous unnecessary and innocent deaths. Little ones are a precious and irreplaceable gifts from God and it is not human beings right to end the lives of these priceless gifts. In conclusion, the one child policy is a very good method in controlling overpopulation. Although it may seem like a good plan but many ethical and human rights and beliefs are violated in the process. Couples should have the liberty to have as many children as they want. Hence, a better management by the government on this issue must be made.

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