China and Stuff

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China’s massive population increase has caused a rise in issues in their economy. Due to having so many people, the country has trouble providing for the needs of everyone. This has created what many consider one of the worst policies, the one child policy. To tell someone that it would be best to have one child is okay in most cases, especially when there are already a lot of people around, but having people lose benefits, or even their jobs, just because they have more than one child is full out wrong. Providing benefits is also wrong because it is only for select families, I think there should be other ways to get benefits if a family has more than one child. I can understand why the government of China only wants a family to have one child. After all, 1.3 of the 7 billion people on Earth is a lot of people in a mid sized country, but if you have a rule, you can’t have exceptions. Many families want a boy to carry on the family name, but this leads to many girls being put up for adoption or aborted. There are also many families that have relatives “adopt” their child so legally t...

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